About Us

Boccaccio restaurant

The restaurant, with a charming interior layout, is visited by people who like comfort, good meals and quality service. You will not miss the spirit of authentic Italian cuisine and atmosphere.

We organize receptions, banquets or any event at our client) request, from business meetings. In a nice atmosphere, suitable not only for business meetings but also for romantic evenings, you will discover the real italian flavour.

Boccaccio-the best place for lovers of Italian cuisine. You can choose from a rich menu of starters, main courses and desserts as well as unique specialities which you would not find anywhere else in Nitra. Wine experts and wine lovers will surely be pleased with our superior wine list, with an exceptional choice of Italian wines that are personaly chosen by the chef.

A guarantee of quality is not only the prize as tipical Italian restaurant, but also Oreste Calzolari himself from Bologna.

Naše menu

  • široký výber pizze pečenej v originálnej peci na drevo
  • polievky slovenské a talianske
  • predjedlá pozostávajúce z viacerých druhov talianskej šunky – Parma, San Daniele, salámy a syry
  • cestoviny pripravované podľa talianskych tradičných receptúr
  • hlavné jedlá z hovädzieho, bravčového, kuracieho a morčacieho mäsa – T-bone steaky a steaky
  • špeciality z morských rýb a plodov mora – homáre, krevety, morské mušle a chobotnice
  • grilované špeciality zo zeleniny
  • tradičné talianske dezerty a zmrzliny z vlastnej výroby
  • večer klavírová hudba

Všetky jedlá sú vyrobené z čerstvých talianskych originálnych surovín a ingrediencií